World Champions! | Vainglory
#TRIBEVG | We are your WESG Vainglory World Champions!
The Tribe’s insanely proud to say that our Vainglory squad overcame all adversity to take home the WESG Vainglory World Championship title for the USA, making us the first-ever two-time Vainglory World Champions!
Ever since our first taste of glory when we conquered the competition at the 2017 Vainglory World Finals in Singapore, we’ve been hungry to take the world stage again and prove our skills against the best teams around the world. Our roster was made up of Chuck (midlaner), Gabevizzle (support), Hami (top lane), Oldskool (botlane), and of course, ttigers (jungle).
Since our national win in October, we grinded endlessly as the American Vainglory representatives in Chongqing, China at the WESG Grand Finals last week.
Following a tough loss to our long-time Korean rivals, Team Ace, in the group stages, we came back to defeat both Hunters, the Chinese representatives, and the Japanese team GGNEWtyge2nd, to earn our place in the semifinals. With us in the top 4 teams were Team Impunity (Singapore), Team Sly (Germany), and of course, Team Ace.
Our team swept Team Sly in the semifinals 2-0, after a dramatic last push. From then on, we braced ourselves to face Team Ace in a climactic confrontation for the ages.
Tribe’s had a long history with Team Ace, as both competitors on the Rise and friends offline. They were our opponents in the Grand Finals of our first World Championship, where we defeated them 4-1. We faced them yet again last December in the VPL World Invitational, where we suffered a loss at their hands and were eliminated from the competition.
This time, things were different. At the historic Chongqing Olympic Stadium, we faced off against Ace for the third time. Despite a seemingly close start to game one, Team Tribe took the game in 27 minutes after a dramatic teamwipe. Game two played out a little differently—an aggressive mid-game push for the Vain Crystal amidst the chaos gave us the 2-0 sweep against Team Ace in 15 minutes, winning us the World Championship title!
Watch the VOD of our historic WESG Vainglory World Championship win here!
We’re ecstatic to have brought home the Vainglory World Champion title back home to North America. Vainglory is where Tribe started, and we can’t wait to defend the title against the competition next Vainglory Worlds. #TRIBEWIN
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